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As an Absolute Dogs Pro Dog Partner, I can offer you these fantastic learning and teaching opportunities from Absolute Dogs. There is something for every dog guardian.
Book a free Zoom Chat to explore these courses and how they will change your dog-owning experience.
Many dog guardians struggle with inappropriate barking. The 10 Days to Stop Barking Course from Absolute Dogs discusses why dogs bark and how to stop barking before it gets out of hand. Let's embrace silence and calmness.
Everyone knows a dog that bounces, jumps up or even counter-surfs – it's very frustrating. The 10 Days to Stop Jumping Course from Absolute Dogs will explain why your dog jumps up on you and your visitors and how you can solve this struggle.
Leash-pulling is the number one training struggle most dog guardians face. The 10 Days to Stop Pulling Course from Absolute Dogs explains why your dog pulls on its leash and shows you how you can stop this behaviour and enjoy walking your dog.
Owning a reactive dog can be challenging, but there is hope. The 10 Days to Stop Reactivity Course from Absolute Dogs will explain your dog's behaviour, why it reacts so violently, and how you can change these patterns through games.
Is leaving your dog at home stressful for both you and your dog? The 10 Days to Stop Separation Anxiety from Absolute Dogs will show you how to make your dog's time away from you a rewarding and calmer experience for both of you.
Do you own a canine cleptomaniac? The 10 Days to Stop Stealing Course from Absolute Dogs will turn your doggy burglar into a dog that can leave things that do not belong to them alone and teach you how to manage your environment.
Many dogs lack a positive outlook and can become pessimistic and frightened when confronted with new situations, environments and objects. Give your dog an optimism boost with Absolute Confidence, and let your dog become a superhero.
Socialisation and exposure to the world are key to ensuring your dog becomes a confident canine citizen. Confidence Circuits is a course that will teach you how to prepare your dog to face the world head-on with optimism.
Owning a dog can bring many challenges, especially if your dog doesn't yet have the skills to live with you and make great choices when visitors arrive or with kids in the house. The Perfect Pet Dog course gets you started in the right direction.
One of the most successful online dog training courses can take your dog-owning experience and turn it on its head. Become the best dog guardian for your dog and make walking fun again.
The Games Club is huge! The Netflix of dog training videos is right at your fingertips. Take your dog training from Zero to Hero with a structured video training and electronic resource collection.
Are you curious about how games-based concept training can help you and your dog have a better relationship and overcome behaviour struggles using reward-based, force-free, positive training?
This course is entirely FREE, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Heeling Hounds Dog Training & Behaviour Solutions
Servicing Frankston City, City of Casey and the Mornington Peninsula Shire
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In partnership with Absolute Dogs, Heeling Hounds can offer you Core Learning for FREE. Discover how concept games-based training can take your dog training from Zero to Hero!